ATB-Associate Training Body-ATB should use training documents and training materials of SISBEL to meet stated learning objectives and to evaluate individuals against these learning objectives in accordance with the Training Specification as Part of Staff Certification Requirements SC-06-013.

Associate Training Body-ATB Qualification;

  1. Associate Training Body-ATB should have a legal structure.
  2. Associate Training Body-ATB should have the resources (phone, e-mail, website, etc.) required to communicate.
  3. Associate Training Body-ATB has enough trainers (at least two persons per standard) capable of providing training (full-time, part-time, or project-based).

ATB-Associate Training Body should have enough competent trainers (minimum two), technical equipment (projector, notebook, etc.), and the appropriate learning environment and training room.

ATB-Associate Training Body should work with trainers full-time or project-based or contractual. On the main matter, trainers have to meet to trainer qualifications of this document.

ATB-Associate Training Body should have enough technical equipment like the following
-Projector, Notebook, Internet, flipchart, Paper, Pen, etc.

ATB-Associate Training Body should have enough learning environments (training room, hotel training room, rented training room or etc.)

ATB-Associate Training Body should have its own training and technical equipment and training rooms or rent or use them according to the agreement.

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